Параметры управления ресурсами#


Ниже приведена оригинальная документация Trino. Скоро мы ее переведем на русский язык и дополним полезными примерами.


  • Type: duration

  • Default value: 1_000_000_000d

This is the max amount of CPU time that a query can use across the entire cluster. Queries that exceed this limit are killed.


  • Type: data size

  • Default value: (JVM max memory * 0.3)

This is the max amount of user memory a query can use on a worker. User memory is allocated during execution for things that are directly attributable to, or controllable by, a user query. For example, memory used by the hash tables built during execution, memory used during sorting, etc. When the user memory allocation of a query on any worker hits this limit, it is killed.


The sum of query.max-memory-per-node and memory.heap-headroom-per-node must be less than the maximum heap size in the JVM on the node. See JVM config.


Does not apply for queries with task level retries enabled (retry-policy=TASK)


This is the max amount of user memory a query can use across the entire cluster. User memory is allocated during execution for things that are directly attributable to, or controllable by, a user query. For example, memory used by the hash tables built during execution, memory used during sorting, etc. When the user memory allocation of a query across all workers hits this limit it is killed.


query.max-total-memory must be greater than query.max-memory.


Does not apply for queries with task level retries enabled (retry-policy=TASK)


  • Type: data size

  • Default value: (query.max-memory * 2)

This is the max amount of memory a query can use across the entire cluster, including revocable memory. When the memory allocated by a query across all workers hits this limit it is killed. The value of query.max-total-memory must be greater than query.max-memory.


query.max-total-memory must be greater than query.max-memory.


Does not apply for queries with task level retries enabled (retry-policy=TASK)


  • Type: data size

  • Default value: (JVM max memory * 0.3)

This is the amount of memory set aside as headroom/buffer in the JVM heap for allocations that are not tracked by Trino.


The sum of query.max-memory-per-node and memory.heap-headroom-per-node must be less than the maximum heap size in the JVM on the node. See JVM config.


Size of the buffer used for spooled data during Отказоустойчивость.