Thrift коннектор#


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The Thrift connector makes it possible to integrate with external storage systems without a custom Trino connector implementation by using Apache Thrift on these servers. It is therefore generic and can provide access to any backend, as long as it exposes the expected API by using Thrift.

In order to use the Thrift connector with an external system, you need to implement the TrinoThriftService interface, found below. Next, you configure the Thrift connector to point to a set of machines, called Thrift servers, that implement the interface. As part of the interface implementation, the Thrift servers provide metadata, splits and data. The connector randomly chooses a server to talk to from the available instances for metadata calls, or for data calls unless the splits include a list of addresses. All requests are assumed to be idempotent and can be retried freely among any server.


To connect to your custom servers with the Thrift protocol, you need:


To configure the Thrift connector, create a catalog properties file etc/catalog/ with the following content, replacing the properties as appropriate:

Multiple Thrift systems#

You can have as many catalogs as you need, so if you have additional Thrift systems to connect to, simply add another properties file to etc/catalog with a different name, making sure it ends in .properties.

Configuration properties#

The following configuration properties are available:

Property name



Location of Thrift servers


Maximum size of data returned from Thrift server


Number of refresh threads for metadata cache


Maximum number of retries for failed Thrift requests


Maximum interval between retry attempts


Minimum interval between retry attempts


Maximum duration across all attempts of a Thrift request


Scale factor for exponential back off


Connect timeout


Request timeout


SOCKS proxy address


Maximum size of a raw Thrift response


Thrift transport type (UNFRAMED, FRAMED, HEADER)


Thrift protocol type (BINARY, COMPACT, FB_COMPACT)


Comma-separated list of thrift servers in the form of host:port. For example:


This property is required; there is no default.


Maximum size of a data response that the connector accepts. This value is sent by the connector to the Thrift server when requesting data, allowing it to size the response appropriately.

This property is optional; the default is 16MB.


Number of refresh threads for metadata cache.

This property is optional; the default is 1.

TrinoThriftService implementation#

The following IDL describes the TrinoThriftService that must be implemented:

enum TrinoThriftBound {
  BELOW = 1;
  EXACTLY = 2;
  ABOVE = 3;

exception TrinoThriftServiceException {
  1: string message;
  2: bool retryable;

struct TrinoThriftNullableSchemaName {
  1: optional string schemaName;

struct TrinoThriftSchemaTableName {
  1: string schemaName;
  2: string tableName;

struct TrinoThriftTableMetadata {
  1: TrinoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName;
  2: list<TrinoThriftColumnMetadata> columns;
  3: optional string comment;

   * Returns a list of key sets which can be used for index lookups.
   * The list is expected to have only unique key sets.
   * {@code set<set<string>>} is not used here because some languages (like php) don't support it.
  4: optional list<set<string>> indexableKeys;

struct TrinoThriftColumnMetadata {
  1: string name;
  2: string type;
  3: optional string comment;
  4: bool hidden;

struct TrinoThriftNullableColumnSet {
  1: optional set<string> columns;

struct TrinoThriftTupleDomain {
   * Return a map of column names to constraints.
  1: optional map<string, TrinoThriftDomain> domains;

 * Set that either includes all values, or excludes all values.
struct TrinoThriftAllOrNoneValueSet {
  1: bool all;

 * A set containing values that are uniquely identifiable.
 * Assumes an infinite number of possible values. The values may be collectively included
 * or collectively excluded.
 * This structure is used with comparable, but not orderable types like "json", "map".
struct TrinoThriftEquatableValueSet {
  1: bool inclusive;
  2: list<TrinoThriftBlock> values;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Elements of {@code ints} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
struct TrinoThriftInteger {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i32> ints;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Elements of {@code longs} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
struct TrinoThriftBigint {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i64> longs;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Elements of {@code doubles} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
struct TrinoThriftDouble {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<double> doubles;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the length in bytes for the corresponding element.
 * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
 * {@code bytes} array contains UTF-8 encoded byte values.
 * Values for all rows are written to {@code bytes} array one after another.
 * The total number of bytes must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
struct TrinoThriftVarchar {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  3: optional binary bytes;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Elements of {@code booleans} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
struct TrinoThriftBoolean {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<bool> booleans;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Elements of {@code dates} array are date values for each row represented as the number
 * of days passed since 1970-01-01.
 * If row is null then value is ignored.
struct TrinoThriftDate {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i32> dates;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Elements of {@code timestamps} array are values for each row represented as the number
 * of milliseconds passed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC.
 * If row is null then value is ignored.
struct TrinoThriftTimestamp {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i64> timestamps;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the length in bytes for the corresponding element.
 * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
 * {@code bytes} array contains UTF-8 encoded byte values for string representation of json.
 * Values for all rows are written to {@code bytes} array one after another.
 * The total number of bytes must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
struct TrinoThriftJson {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  3: optional binary bytes;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the length in bytes for the corresponding element.
 * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
 * {@code bytes} array contains encoded byte values for HyperLogLog representation as defined in
 * Airlift specification: href="
 * Values for all rows are written to {@code bytes} array one after another.
 * The total number of bytes must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
struct TrinoThriftHyperLogLog {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  3: optional binary bytes;

 * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
 * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the number of elements in the corresponding values array.
 * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
 * {@code values} is a bigint block containing array elements one after another for all rows.
 * The total number of elements in bigint block must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
struct TrinoThriftBigintArray {
  1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  3: optional TrinoThriftBigint values;

 * A set containing zero or more Ranges of the same type over a continuous space of possible values.
 * Ranges are coalesced into the most compact representation of non-overlapping Ranges.
 * This structure is used with comparable and orderable types like bigint, integer, double, varchar, etc.
struct TrinoThriftRangeValueSet {
  1: list<TrinoThriftRange> ranges;

struct TrinoThriftId {
  1: binary id;

struct TrinoThriftSplitBatch {
  1: list<TrinoThriftSplit> splits;
  2: optional TrinoThriftId nextToken;

struct TrinoThriftSplit {
   * Encodes all the information needed to identify a batch of rows to return to Trino.
   * For a basic scan, includes schema name, table name, and output constraint.
   * For an index scan, includes schema name, table name, set of keys to lookup and output constraint.
  1: TrinoThriftId splitId;

   * Identifies the set of hosts on which the rows are available. If empty, then the rows
   * are expected to be available on any host. The hosts in this list may be independent
   * from the hosts used to serve metadata requests.
  2: list<TrinoThriftHostAddress> hosts;

struct TrinoThriftHostAddress {
  1: string host;
  2: i32 port;

struct TrinoThriftPageResult {
   * Returns data in a columnar format.
   * Columns in this list must be in the order they were requested by the engine.
  1: list<TrinoThriftBlock> columnBlocks;

  2: i32 rowCount;
  3: optional TrinoThriftId nextToken;

struct TrinoThriftNullableTableMetadata {
  1: optional TrinoThriftTableMetadata tableMetadata;

struct TrinoThriftValueSet {
  1: optional TrinoThriftAllOrNoneValueSet allOrNoneValueSet;
  2: optional TrinoThriftEquatableValueSet equatableValueSet;
  3: optional TrinoThriftRangeValueSet rangeValueSet;

struct TrinoThriftBlock {
  1: optional TrinoThriftInteger integerData;
  2: optional TrinoThriftBigint bigintData;
  3: optional TrinoThriftDouble doubleData;
  4: optional TrinoThriftVarchar varcharData;
  5: optional TrinoThriftBoolean booleanData;
  6: optional TrinoThriftDate dateData;
  7: optional TrinoThriftTimestamp timestampData;
  8: optional TrinoThriftJson jsonData;
  9: optional TrinoThriftHyperLogLog hyperLogLogData;
  10: optional TrinoThriftBigintArray bigintArrayData;

 * LOWER UNBOUNDED is specified with an empty value and an ABOVE bound
 * UPPER UNBOUNDED is specified with an empty value and a BELOW bound
struct TrinoThriftMarker {
  1: optional TrinoThriftBlock value;
  2: TrinoThriftBound bound;

struct TrinoThriftNullableToken {
  1: optional TrinoThriftId token;

struct TrinoThriftDomain {
  1: TrinoThriftValueSet valueSet;
  2: bool nullAllowed;

struct TrinoThriftRange {
  1: TrinoThriftMarker low;
  2: TrinoThriftMarker high;

 * Trino Thrift service definition.
 * This thrift service needs to be implemented in order to be used with Thrift Connector.
service TrinoThriftService {
   * Returns available schema names.
  list<string> trinoListSchemaNames()
    throws (1: TrinoThriftServiceException ex1);

   * Returns tables for the given schema name.
   * @param schemaNameOrNull a structure containing schema name or {@literal null}
   * @return a list of table names with corresponding schemas. If schema name is null then returns
   * a list of tables for all schemas. Returns an empty list if a schema does not exist
  list<TrinoThriftSchemaTableName> trinoListTables(
      1: TrinoThriftNullableSchemaName schemaNameOrNull)
    throws (1: TrinoThriftServiceException ex1);

   * Returns metadata for a given table.
   * @param schemaTableName schema and table name
   * @return metadata for a given table, or a {@literal null} value inside if it does not exist
  TrinoThriftNullableTableMetadata trinoGetTableMetadata(
      1: TrinoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName)
    throws (1: TrinoThriftServiceException ex1);

   * Returns a batch of splits.
   * @param schemaTableName schema and table name
   * @param desiredColumns a superset of columns to return; empty set means "no columns", {@literal null} set means "all columns"
   * @param outputConstraint constraint on the returned data
   * @param maxSplitCount maximum number of splits to return
   * @param nextToken token from a previous split batch or {@literal null} if it is the first call
   * @return a batch of splits
  TrinoThriftSplitBatch trinoGetSplits(
      1: TrinoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName,
      2: TrinoThriftNullableColumnSet desiredColumns,
      3: TrinoThriftTupleDomain outputConstraint,
      4: i32 maxSplitCount,
      5: TrinoThriftNullableToken nextToken)
    throws (1: TrinoThriftServiceException ex1);

   * Returns a batch of index splits for the given batch of keys.
   * This method is called if index join strategy is chosen for a query.
   * @param schemaTableName schema and table name
   * @param indexColumnNames specifies columns and their order for keys
   * @param outputColumnNames a list of column names to return
   * @param keys keys for which records need to be returned; includes only unique and non-null values
   * @param outputConstraint constraint on the returned data
   * @param maxSplitCount maximum number of splits to return
   * @param nextToken token from a previous split batch or {@literal null} if it is the first call
   * @return a batch of splits
  TrinoThriftSplitBatch trinoGetIndexSplits(
      1: TrinoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName,
      2: list<string> indexColumnNames,
      3: list<string> outputColumnNames,
      4: TrinoThriftPageResult keys,
      5: TrinoThriftTupleDomain outputConstraint,
      6: i32 maxSplitCount,
      7: TrinoThriftNullableToken nextToken)
    throws (1: TrinoThriftServiceException ex1);

   * Returns a batch of rows for the given split.
   * @param splitId split id as returned in split batch
   * @param columns a list of column names to return
   * @param maxBytes maximum size of returned data in bytes
   * @param nextToken token from a previous batch or {@literal null} if it is the first call
   * @return a batch of table data
  TrinoThriftPageResult trinoGetRows(
      1: TrinoThriftId splitId,
      2: list<string> columns,
      3: i64 maxBytes,
      4: TrinoThriftNullableToken nextToken)
    throws (1: TrinoThriftServiceException ex1);

Type mapping#

The Thrift service defines data type support and mappings to Trino data types.

SQL support#

The connector provides globally available and read operation statements to access data and metadata in your Thrift service.