Header authenticator#


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Trino supports header authentication over TLS via a custom header authenticator that extracts the principal from a predefined header(s), performs any validation it needs and creates an authenticated principal.


HeaderAuthenticatorFactory is responsible for creating a HeaderAuthenticator instance. It also defines the name of this authenticator which is used by the administrator in a Trino configuration.

HeaderAuthenticator contains a single method, createAuthenticatedPrincipal(), which validates the request headers wrapped by the Headers interface; has the method getHeader(String name) and returns a Principal, which is then authorized by the Контроль доступа.

The implementation of HeaderAuthenticatorFactory must be wrapped as a plugin and installed on the Trino cluster.


After a plugin that implements HeaderAuthenticatorFactory has been installed on the coordinator, it is configured using an etc/header-authenticator.properties file. All of the properties other than header-authenticator.name are specific to the HeaderAuthenticatorFactory implementation.

The header-authenticator.name property is used by Trino to find a registered HeaderAuthenticatorFactory based on the name returned by HeaderAuthenticatorFactory.getName(). The remaining properties are passed as a map to HeaderAuthenticatorFactory.create().

Example configuration file:


Additionally, the coordinator must be configured to use header authentication and have HTTPS enabled (or HTTPS forwarding enabled).