Release 309 (25 Apr 2019)#


  • Fix incorrect match result for Regular expression functions when pattern ends with a word boundary matcher. This only affects the default JONI library. (#661)

  • Fix failures for queries involving spatial joins. (#652)

  • Add support for SphericalGeography to ST_Area(). (#383)


  • Add option for specifying the Kerberos GSS name type. (#645)

Server RPM#

  • Update default JVM configuration to recommended settings.

Hive connector#

  • Fix rare failure when reading DECIMAL values from ORC files. (#664)

  • Add a hidden $properties table for each table that describes its Hive table properties. For example, a table named example will have an associated properties table named example$properties. (#268)

MySQL connector#

  • Match schema and table names case insensitively. This behavior can be enabled by setting the case-insensitive-name-matching catalog configuration option to true. (#614)

PostgreSQL connector#

  • Add support for ARRAY type. (#317)

  • Add support writing TINYINT values. (#317)

  • Match schema and table names case insensitively. This behavior can be enabled by setting the case-insensitive-name-matching catalog configuration option to true. (#614)

Redshift connector#

  • Match schema and table names case insensitively. This behavior can be enabled by setting the case-insensitive-name-matching catalog configuration option to true. (#614)

SQL Server connector#

  • Match schema and table names case insensitively. This behavior can be enabled by setting the case-insensitive-name-matching catalog configuration option to true. (#614)

Cassandra connector#

  • Allow reading from tables which have Cassandra column types that are not supported by Presto. These columns will not be visible in Presto. (#592)


  • Add session parameter to the applyFilter() and applyLimit() methods in ConnectorMetadata. (#636)


This is a backwards incompatible changes with the previous SPI. If you have written a connector that implements these methods, you will need to update your code before deploying this release.