JWT аутентификация#


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Trino can be configured to authenticate client access using JSON web tokens. A JWT is a small, web-safe JSON file that contains cryptographic information similar to a certificate, including:

  • Subject

  • Valid time period

  • Signature

A JWT is designed to be passed between servers as proof of prior authentication in a workflow like the following:

  1. An end user logs into a client application and requests access to a server.

  2. The server sends the user’s credentials to a separate authentication service that:

    • validates the user

    • generates a JWT as proof of validation

    • returns the JWT to the requesting server

  3. The same JWT can then be forwarded to other services to maintain the user’s validation without further credentials.


If you are trying to configure OAuth2 or OIDC, there is a dedicated system for that in Trino, as described in OAuth 2.0 аутентификация. When using OAuth2 authentication, you do not need to configure JWT authentication, because JWTs are handled automatically by the OAuth2 code.

A typical use for JWT authentication is to support administrators at large sites who are writing their own single sign-on or proxy system to stand between users and the Trino coordinator, where their new system submits queries on behalf of users.

Using TLS and a configured shared secret is required for JWT authentication.

Using JWT authentication#

Trino supports Base64 encoded JWTs, but not encrypted JWTs.

There are two ways to get the encryption key necessary to validate the JWT signature:

  • Load the key from a JSON web key set (JWKS) endpoint service (the typical case)

  • Load the key from the local file system on the Trino coordinator

A JWKS endpoint is a read-only service that contains public key information in JWK format. These public keys are the counterpart of the private keys that sign JSON web tokens.

JWT authentication configuration#

Enable JWT authentication by setting the JWT authentication type in etc/config.properties, and specifying a URL or path to a key file:


JWT authentication is typically used in addition to other authentication methods:


The following configuration properties are available:

Configuration properties for JWT authentication#




Required. Specifies either the URL to a JWKS service or the path to a PEM or HMAC file, as described below this table.


Specifies a string that must match the value of the JWT’s issuer (iss) field in order to consider this JWT valid. The iss field in the JWT identifies the principal that issued the JWT.


Specifies a string that must match the value of the JWT’s Audience (aud) field in order to consider this JWT valid. The aud field in the JWT identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for.


String to identify the field in the JWT that identifies the subject of the JWT. The default value is sub. This field is used to create the Trino principal.


A regular expression pattern to map all user names for this authentication system to the format expected by the Trino server.


The path to a JSON file that contains a set of user mapping rules for this authentication system.

Use the http-server.authentication.jwt.key-file property to specify either:

  • The URL to a JWKS endpoint service, where the URL begins with https://. The JWKS service must be reachable from the coordinator. If the coordinator is running in a secured or firewalled network, the administrator may have to open access to the JWKS server host.


    The Trino server also accepts JWKS URLs that begin with http://, but using this protocol results in a severe security risk. Only use this protocol for short-term testing during development of your cluster.

  • The path to a local file in PEM or HMAC format that contains a single key. If the file path contains $KEYID, then Trino interpolates the keyid from the JWT into the file path before loading this key. This enables support for setups with multiple keys.

Using JWTs with clients#

When using the Trino CLI, specify a JWT as described in JWT authentication.

When using the Trino JDBC driver, specify a JWT with the accessToken parameter.


The following resources may prove useful in your work with JWTs and JWKs.