JDBC драйвер#


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The Trino JDBC driver allows users to access Trino using Java-based applications, and other non-Java applications running in a JVM. Both desktop and server-side applications, such as those used for reporting and database development, use the JDBC driver.


The Trino JDBC driver has the following requirements:

  • Java version 8 or higher.

  • All users that connect to Trino with the JDBC driver must be granted access to query tables in the system.jdbc schema.


Download trino-jdbc-405.jar and add it to the classpath of your Java application.

The driver is also available from Maven Central:


We recommend using the latest version of the JDBC driver. A list of all available versions can be found in the Maven Central Repository. Navigate to the directory for the desired version, and select the trino-jdbc-xxx.jar file to download, where xxx is the version number.

Once downloaded, you must add the JAR file to a directory in the classpath of users on systems where they will access Trino.

After you have downloaded the JDBC driver and added it to your classpath, you’ll typically need to restart your application in order to recognize the new driver. Then, depending on your application, you may need to manually register and configure the driver.

The CLI uses the HTTP protocol and the Trino client REST API to communicate with Trino.

Registering and configuring the driver#

Drivers are commonly loaded automatically by applications once they are added to its classpath. If your application does not, such as is the case for some GUI-based SQL editors, read this section. The steps to register the JDBC driver in a UI or on the command line depend upon the specific application you are using. Please check your application’s documentation.

Once registered, you must also configure the connection information as described in the following section.


When your driver is loaded, registered and configured, you are ready to connect to Trino from your application. The following JDBC URL formats are supported:


The following is an example of a JDBC URL used to create a connection:


This example JDBC URL locates a Trino instance running on port 8080 on example.net, with the catalog hive and the schema sales defined.


Typically, the JDBC driver classname is configured automatically by your client. If it is not, use io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver wherever a driver classname is required.

Connection parameters#

The driver supports various parameters that may be set as URL parameters, or as properties passed to DriverManager. Both of the following examples are equivalent:

// properties
String url = "jdbc:trino://example.net:8080/hive/sales";
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("user", "test");
properties.setProperty("password", "secret");
properties.setProperty("SSL", "true");
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);

// URL parameters
String url = "jdbc:trino://example.net:8443/hive/sales?user=test&password=secret&SSL=true";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

These methods may be mixed; some parameters may be specified in the URL, while others are specified using properties. However, the same parameter may not be specified using both methods.

Parameter reference#




Username to use for authentication and authorization.


Password to use for LDAP authentication.


Session username override, used for impersonation.


SOCKS proxy host and port. Example: localhost:1080


HTTP proxy host and port. Example: localhost:8888


Extra information about the client.


Client tags for selecting resource groups. Example: abc,xyz


Trace token for correlating requests across systems.


Source name for the Trino query. This parameter should be used in preference to ApplicationName. Thus, it takes precedence over ApplicationName and/or applicationNamePrefix.


Prefix to append to any specified ApplicationName client info property, which is used to set the source name for the Trino query if the source parameter has not been set. If neither this property nor ApplicationName or source are set, the source name for the query is trino-jdbc.


JWT access token for token based authentication.


Set true to specify using TLS/HTTPS for connections.


The method of TLS verification. There are three modes: FULL (default), CA and NONE. For FULL, the normal TLS verification is performed. For CA, only the CA is verified but hostname mismatch is allowed. For NONE, there is no verification.


Use only when connecting to a Trino cluster that has certificate authentication enabled. Specifies the path to a PEM or JKS file, which must contain a certificate that is trusted by the Trino cluster you connect to.


The password for the KeyStore, if any.


The type of the KeyStore. The default type is provided by the Java keystore.type security property or jks if none exists.


The location of the Java TrustStore file to use. to validate HTTPS server certificates.


The password for the TrustStore.


The type of the TrustStore. The default type is provided by the Java keystore.type security property or jks if none exists.


Set true to automatically use the system TrustStore based on the operating system. The supported OSes are Windows and macOS. For Windows, the Windows-ROOT TrustStore is selected. For macOS, the KeychainStore TrustStore is selected. For other OSes, the default Java TrustStore is loaded. The TrustStore specification can be overridden using SSLTrustStoreType.


Trino coordinator Kerberos service name. This parameter is required for Kerberos authentication.


The principal to use when authenticating to the Trino coordinator.


Use the canonical hostname of the Trino coordinator for the Kerberos service principal by first resolving the hostname to an IP address and then doing a reverse DNS lookup for that IP address. This is enabled by default.


Trino coordinator Kerberos service principal pattern. The default is ${SERVICE}@${HOST}. ${SERVICE} is replaced with the value of KerberosRemoteServiceName and ${HOST} is replaced with the hostname of the coordinator (after canonicalization if enabled).


Kerberos configuration file.


Kerberos keytab file.


Kerberos credential cache.


Set to true to use the token from an existing Kerberos context. This allows client to use Kerberos authentication without passing the Keytab or credential cache. Defaults to false.


Extra credentials for connecting to external services, specified as a list of key-value pairs. For example, foo:bar;abc:xyz creates the credential named abc with value xyz and the credential named foo with value bar.


Authorization roles to use for catalogs, specified as a list of key-value pairs for the catalog and role. For example, catalog1:roleA;catalog2:roleB sets roleA for catalog1 and roleB for catalog2.


Session properties to set for the system and for catalogs, specified as a list of key-value pairs. For example, abc:xyz;example.foo:bar sets the system property abc to the value xyz and the foo property for catalog example to the value bar.


Set to true if you want to use external authentication via OAuth 2.0 аутентификация. Use a local web browser to authenticate with an identity provider (IdP) that has been configured for the Trino coordinator.


Allows the sharing of external authentication tokens between different connections for the same authenticated user until the cache is invalidated, such as when a client is restarted or when the classloader reloads the JDBC driver. This is disabled by default, with a value of NONE. To enable, set the value to MEMORY. If the JDBC driver is used in a shared mode by different users, the first registered token is stored and authenticates all users.


Whether compression should be enabled.


When enabled, the name patterns passed to DatabaseMetaData methods are treated as underscores. You can use this as a workaround for applications that do not escape schema or table names when passing them to DatabaseMetaData methods as schema or table name patterns.