LDAP authentication#


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Trino can be configured to enable frontend LDAP authentication over HTTPS for clients, such as the Trino CLI, or the JDBC and ODBC drivers. At present, only simple LDAP authentication mechanism involving username and password is supported. The Trino client sends a username and password to the coordinator, and the coordinator validates these credentials using an external LDAP service.

To enable LDAP authentication for Trino, LDAP-related configuration changes are made on the Trino coordinator.

Using TLS and a configured shared secret is required for LDAP authentication.

Trino server configuration#

Trino coordinator node configuration#

Access to the Trino coordinator should be through HTTPS, configured as described on TLS and HTTPS.

You also need to make changes to the Trino configuration files. LDAP authentication is configured on the coordinator in two parts. The first part is to enable HTTPS support and password authentication in the coordinator’s config.properties file. The second part is to configure LDAP as the password authenticator plugin.

Server config properties#

The following is an example of the required properties that need to be added to the coordinator’s config.properties file:







Enable the password authentication type for the Trino coordinator. Must be set to PASSWORD.


Enables HTTPS access for the Trino coordinator. Should be set to true. Default value is false.


HTTPS server port.


The location of the PEM or Java keystore file is used to enable TLS.


The password for the PEM or Java keystore. This must match the password you specified when creating the PEM or keystore.


Enable treating forwarded HTTPS requests over HTTP as secure. Requires the X-Forwarded-Proto header to be set to https on forwarded requests. Default value is false.


Regex to match against user. If matched, user will be replaced with first regex group. If not matched, authentication is denied. Default is (.*).


File containing rules for mapping user. See Сопоставление пользователей for more information.

Password authenticator configuration#

Password authentication needs to be configured to use LDAP. Create an etc/password-authenticator.properties file on the coordinator. Example:

ldap.user-bind-pattern=<Refer below for usage>




The URL to the LDAP server. The URL scheme must be ldap:// or ldaps://. Connecting to the LDAP server without TLS enabled requires ldap.allow-insecure=true.


Allow using an LDAP connection that is not secured with TLS.


Path to the PEM or JKS key store.


Password for the key store.


Path to the PEM or JKS trust store.


Password for the trust store.


This property can be used to specify the LDAP user bind string for password authentication. This property must contain the pattern ${USER}, which is replaced by the actual username during the password authentication.

The property can contain multiple patterns separated by a colon. Each pattern will be checked in order until a login succeeds or all logins fail. Example: ${USER}@corp.example.com:${USER}@corp.example.co.uk


Ignore referrals to other LDAP servers while performing search queries. Defaults to false.


LDAP cache duration. Defaults to 1h.


Timeout for establishing an LDAP connection.


Timeout for reading data from an LDAP connection.

Based on the LDAP server implementation type, the property ldap.user-bind-pattern can be used as described below.

Active Directory#





Authorization based on LDAP group membership#

You can further restrict the set of users allowed to connect to the Trino coordinator, based on their group membership, by setting the optional ldap.group-auth-pattern and ldap.user-base-dn properties, in addition to the basic LDAP authentication properties.




The base LDAP distinguished name for the user who tries to connect to the server. Example: OU=America,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com


This property is used to specify the LDAP query for the LDAP group membership authorization. This query is executed against the LDAP server and if successful, the user is authorized. This property must contain a pattern ${USER}, which is replaced by the actual username in the group authorization search query. See samples below.

Based on the LDAP server implementation type, the property ldap.group-auth-pattern can be used as described below.

Authorization using Trino LDAP service user#

Trino server can use dedicated LDAP service user for doing user group membership queries. In such case Trino will first issue a group membership query for a Trino user that needs to be authenticated. A user distinguished name will be extracted from a group membership query result. Trino will then validate user password by creating LDAP context with user distinguished name and user password. In order to use this mechanism ldap.bind-dn, ldap.bind-password and ldap.group-auth-pattern properties need to be defined.




Bind distinguished name used by Trino when issuing group membership queries. Example: CN=admin,OU=CITY_OU,OU=STATE_OU,DC=domain


Bind password used by Trino when issuing group membership queries. Example: password1234


This property is used to specify the LDAP query for the LDAP group membership authorization. This query will be executed against the LDAP server and if successful, a user distinguished name will be extracted from a query result. Trino will then validate user password by creating LDAP context with user distinguished name and user password.

Active Directory#





For OpenLDAP, for this query to work, make sure you enable the memberOf overlay.

You can use this property for scenarios where you want to authorize a user based on complex group authorization search queries. For example, if you want to authorize a user belonging to any one of multiple groups (in OpenLDAP), this property may be set as follows:


Trino CLI#

Environment configuration#

TLS configuration#

When using LDAP authentication, access to the Trino coordinator must be through TLS/HTTPS.

Trino CLI execution#

In addition to the options that are required when connecting to a Trino coordinator that does not require LDAP authentication, invoking the CLI with LDAP support enabled requires a number of additional command line options. You can either use --keystore-* or --truststore-* properties to secure TLS connection. The simplest way to invoke the CLI is with a wrapper script.


./trino \
--server https://trino-coordinator.example.com:8443 \
--keystore-path /tmp/trino.jks \
--keystore-password password \
--truststore-path /tmp/trino_truststore.jks \
--truststore-password password \
--catalog <catalog> \
--schema <schema> \
--user <LDAP user> \

Find details on the options used in TLS/HTTPS and Username and password authentication.


Java keystore file verification#

Verify the password for a keystore file and view its contents using Inspect and validate keystore.

Debug Trino to LDAP server issues#

If you need to debug issues with Trino communicating with the LDAP server, you can change the log level for the LDAP authenticator:


TLS debugging for Trino CLI#

If you encounter any TLS related errors when running the Trino CLI, you can run the CLI using the -Djavax.net.debug=ssl parameter for debugging. Use the Trino CLI executable JAR to enable this. For example:

java -Djavax.net.debug=ssl \
-jar \
trino-cli-<version>-executable.jar \
--server https://coordinator:8443 \

Common TLS/SSL errors#

java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative names present#

This error is seen when the Trino coordinator’s certificate is invalid, and does not have the IP you provide in the --server argument of the CLI. You have to regenerate the coordinator’s TLS certificate with the appropriate SAN added.

Adding a SAN to this certificate is required in cases where https:// uses IP address in the URL, rather than the domain contained in the coordinator’s certificate, and the certificate does not contain the SAN parameter with the matching IP address as an alternative attribute.

Authentication or TLS errors with JDK upgrade#

Starting with the JDK 8u181 release, to improve the robustness of LDAPS (secure LDAP over TLS) connections, endpoint identification algorithms were enabled by default. See release notes from Oracle. The same LDAP server certificate on the Trino coordinator, running on JDK version >= 8u181, that was previously able to successfully connect to an LDAPS server, may now fail with the following error:

javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: ldapserver:636
[Root exception is javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching ldapserver found.]

If you want to temporarily disable endpoint identification, you can add the property -Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true to Trino’s jvm.config file. However, in a production environment, we suggest fixing the issue by regenerating the LDAP server certificate so that the certificate SAN or certificate subject name matches the LDAP server.