

Ниже приведена оригинальная документация Trino. Скоро мы ее переведем на русский язык и дополним полезными примерами.

Trino manages configuration details in static properties files. This configuration needs to include values such as usernames, passwords and other strings, that are often required to be kept secret. Only a few select administrators or the provisioning system has access to the actual value.

The secrets support in Trino allows you to use environment variables as values for any configuration property. All properties files used by Trino, including and catalog properties files, are supported. When loading the properties, Trino replaces the reference to the environment variable with the value of the environment variable.

Environment variables are the most widely-supported means of setting and retrieving values. Environment variables can be set in the scope of the task being performed, preventing external access. Most provisioning and configuration management systems include support for setting environment variables. This includes systems such as Ansible, often used for virtual machines, and Kubernetes for container usage. You can also manually set an environment variable on the command line.

export DB_PASSWORD=my-super-secret-pwd

To use this variable in the properties file, you reference it with the syntax ${ENV:VARIABLE}. For example, if you want to use the password in a catalog properties file like etc/catalog/, add the following line:


With this setup in place, the secret is managed by the provisioning system or by the administrators handling the machines. No secret is stored in the Trino configuration files on the filesystem or wherever they are managed.